
Physiotherapists provide a wide range of services for any joint/muscle/ligament associated pain, sports injury rehabilitation, women’s health physiotherapy advice and treatment.

If you are 16 years old or over, you can now refer yourself to a local NHS physiotherapy service directly thorough our new self-referral service – there’s no need to get a GP appointment first. Patients under the age of 16 years old will need a GP referral

How do I self-refer?


Practice Plus is the provider for Buckinghamshire  patients. Visit their website here


Connect Health is the provider for Oxfordshire patients. Visit their website here

Berkshire West:

Multiple providers are available for Berkshire West patients.

  1. Please choose a provider from the map here.
  2. Complete the self-referral form on your providers website. If your chosen provider does not have an online form, use the Downloadable – Self-referral form here (save downloadable form)
  3. Email your completed form directly to the provider. Please do not send your completed form to the ICB. 


Self-referral suitability check

You CANNOT self refer if you are in any of the groups below:

  • Anyone in their own home (i.e. are housebound in the short or long term)
  • Anyone with respiratory conditions
  • Anyone with neurological conditions
  • Anyone needing post amputation services (requires a specialist referral)
  • Anyone under 16 years old. Anyone under 16 years old will require a GP referral
  • Anyone needing emergency treatment (serious and life-threatening health situations). Please consult NHS 111 or your GP  

We recommend you consult your GP or NHS 111 urgently if you have recently or suddenly developed any of the following:

  • Difficulty passing urine or controlling bladder/bowels.
  • Numbness or tingling around the back passage or genitals.
  • Numbness, pin and needles or weakness in both arms and or in both legs

Please discuss with your GP before submitting a referral if you:

  • Are feeling generally unwell or have a fever.
  • Have any unexplained weight loss.
  • Have a history of cancer.
  • Have recently become unsteady on your feet.

Your physiotherapy appointment

What happens at your appointment

Common conditions

Common conditions you can get help for

getUBetter is a new app designed to help people with musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and conditions better manage their symptoms at home. The new app helps ensure you don’t have to wait for approved, local support.

Initially, this is a pilot for those who live in Berkshire West: e.g. Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire.

Designed by emergency care staff, GPs, physiotherapists and orthopaedic consultants, the free app delivers advice and exercises, the app gives you the right information to help your recovery and/or ways to improve your health and lifestyle.

You will also gain a greater understanding of your condition and the confidence to manage recovery at any stage. 

The app offers support for new, ongoing, and long-term muscle and joint problems and supports; back, leg, neck, shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee, ankle pain, sprains and strains, and tendinopathy.

If you live in Berkshire West access getUBetter:


The app does not replace the health service but works alongside it to complement and ensure you get the support you need. 

getubetter logo

Data Privacy Notices: getUbetter application & how your data will be used

We work with our health and care partners to plan services and improve population health and wellbeing.

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