
Share your community offers:

Leaders from across the health and social care system want your experiences of health and social care and to find out what matters to you most.

As an Oxfordshire resident you are invited to share your experiences by meeting with senior figures in the NHS and county council at community events this summer. 

See events dates and venues here: Health and Social Care Connections | BOB ICB



Pump it up! is a heart and blood pressure awareness drive in Buckinghamshire kicking off with the offer of free to use health stations in Aylesbury and Wycombe. Anyone can go along and measure their blood pressure over the next few weeks. 

Find out more: Love Your Heart Bucks | Buckinghamshire Council

If you struggle to sleep, there are a range of support options locally including the online tool ‘Sleepio’ which the NHS is offering free to Berkshire West residents.

Find out more: Free sleep support

The Managing Emotions Programme provides interactive group courses that teaches the skills you need to cope when faced with intense emotions.

Find out more: Managing Emotions Programme (MEP) | Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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