Neighbourhood support

Be a guardian angel to your elderly neighbours, friends, and family members this winter. Follow these steps to ensure their safety and well-being.

Keep in touch and offer practical help

  1. Reach out: Regularly check on your family, friends, or neighbours.
  2. Assist with errands: Offer to go to the pharmacy or grocery store for them.

Tips for keeping them safe outdoors

  1. Footwear: Ensure they wear shoes with good grip to prevent falls.
  2. Warm clothing: Advise them to wear warm clothes and cover their mouths with scarves when going outside.

Falls – NHS (

Health and prescriptions

  1. Prescriptions: Make sure they refill prescriptions before pharmacies close for holidays.
  2. Health appointments: Help them get to essential health appointments. 

If you’re worried about their wellbeing

  • Local council or Age UK: If you’re concerned, contact your local council or call the Age UK helpline at 0800 678 1602 (available 8am to 7pm every day).
  • Medical emergencies: If you suspect someone has hypothermia or needs urgent medical assistance, call NHS 111.

Find out about charities supporting older people at Christmas 

The Age UK network provides a wide range of services to support people later in life  Use the Age UK service finder to find out about local services.

We work with our health and care partners to plan services and improve population health and wellbeing.

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