Dentist services

Dentists provide treatment to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy and free of pain. Regular attendance is important to maintain oral health with treatment provided as required.

Your dentist can carry out treatment such as fillings or root canal treatment, and some dentists provide a mixture of NHS and private care. If you are unsure what services your dentist provides, just ask the practice.

Patients are not registered with NHS dental practices and can attend any practice of their choice.

How do I find an NHS dentist?

To find your nearest NHS dental practices visit: Find an NHS dentist or call the NHS customer contact centre on 0300 311 2233 who may be able to help.

You can also visit , an independent website with information on dental practices accepting NHS patients.

How much will treatment cost?

The cost will depend what treatment you need. You can find more information here: NHS dental treatment costs

Some people can get free NHS dental treatment. Find out more here: Who gets free NHS dental treatment

Why is it difficult to get a dentist now?

During the pandemic people went less regularly to their dentist, due to restrictions. This left a backlog which dental practices continue to work through. However, many appointments are taking longer due to less regular attendance in recent years.

Find out more about what your local NHS are doing to increase appointment levels for people who have not seen a dentist in years, or are new to the area: Our Flexible Commissioning Scheme

Useful links

         In a life threatening emergency you should call 999

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